Suicide, Depression, Anxiety, Autoimmune Disease, Alopecia – My Story


I have been on a journey, it’s an ordinary journey that many people go through. I want to let people know that it’s OK to live with depression and it’s OK to feel down at times. I want to share my story to help others. I have suffered bouts depression most of my life, due to the fact my biological mother was schizophrenic (and wanted to kill me).

I was born with dodgy hormones and a predisposition to suffer depression, trouble sleeping & anxiety. I have also thought about suicide a few times in my life. 

The last bout was earlier this year. I am no longer suicidal or depressed but I want to help people who are. Many people don’t realise the darkness people with depression are in.

They have an inability to see a way out and they feel so alone. When you are in this state it is hard for anyone to get through to you.

To look at me you would never know that I was contemplating the best way to end my life. I look strong and happy on the outside but through the tough walls I have built myself over the years, I was screaming, ‘Can’t someone see the pain I am in?’

I am the founder of Global Healing Exchange and Holistic Living Magazine. I am a therapist who works with the subconscious mind using hypnotherapy, NLP, timeline therapy and Journey therapy.

You would have thought that knowing all of this helped me during my dark times. The answer is NO it did not. Everything was dark and I couldn’t see a way out. I felt like a fraud and that made it worse for me!

In my clinic, I mainly work with people who have suffered depression, anxiety and who have lived through abuse. I work in the field of holistic health and have a YouTube channel that helps educate people. I even have a series on getting rid of anxiety holistically.

I wanted to get the information out to more people so 8 years ago I decided to concentrate on building some free resources for people in need.

I know when I was sick, it was not easy getting back on my feet as getting healthy seemed to be so expensive.

Last week I finished rebranding Global Healing Exchange. It has more than 1100 articles on holistic health and I have 18 editions of Holistic Living Magazine that comes out quarterly.

Mental Heal Awareness

I want to raise awareness for people who are suffering from mental health and help to educate people without taking pills.

Mental health seems to be an epidemic and education is key to creating change. I have helped myself without going on medication and I want to give hope to others.

I have openly suffered with depression, autoimmune disease – alopecia due to stress and we have a magazine on mental health, anxiety, depression and this month’s edition is on connection. This is an area that is so needed to help heal depression and not many people talk about it. 

My goal here is to let people know that living with a mental illness does not have to define you. I hope you find help on this website and on my YouTube channel.


It’s OK to ask for help!

Sharon White

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Help is available at Lifeline. You can call Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis line 13 11 14

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