Flu & Cold Smackdown!

Flu & Cold

Cold and flu season is about to strike here in the Southern Hemisphere and since I know you’re just like me, the thought of being struck down with a cold or even worse, the flu, is something we don’t like to entertain!

A number of years ago (so many I’d rather not share with you!) a Naturopath shared with me her ultimate flu brew and I’ve relied on this potent concoction every time myself or my hubby have been under the weather with cold or flu symptoms.

(I’m happy to say it’s been more him than me, all those nasty germs he picks up with frequent air travel & working in air conditioning … ugh!!).

So, today I’m sharing my flu brew with you .. please bear in mind this recipe comes with no guarantees, I’m not a Naturopath nor do I pretend to be.

I strongly recommend you seek advice from your own health practitioner (& I can refer you to some great practitioners if you are looking for someone) if you are unwell, or have been unwell, for more than a couple of days.

Flu & Cold Brew

Add to a medium sized pot:

Juice of one Orange and the left over rinds

Juice of one Lemon and the left over rinds

A Cinnamon stick

2-3 cloves of Garlic

A knob of Ginger, peeled & chopped into 2-3 pieces

A small Chilli, chopped in half

About a tablespoon of raw organic Honey

Top up with filtered water, to cover all the ingredients.  Bring to the boil and then simmer for about 10 minutes.

Strain off a cup full of the liquid, add a little more honey if necessary to sweeten but not too much.  Keep the remaining brew & all its ingredients in the pot on your cooktop for tomorrow’s dose, if necessary.

Now, I’m not going to lie to you, this does not taste the best!!!   And the first sip will most likely knock your socks off!  BUT, it has worked every time for us.

Best course of action is to hop into your pj’s, pop on a nice pair of warm socks (yes, this is a crucial part of the flu brew working!) and drink just before you head off for some healing, restorative zzzzz’s.

There you have it, very simple and you should have all the ingredients hanging about in your kitchen just waiting to be used in such an effective, healthy way!

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Sonya Lovell

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