Energy & Consciousness. Consciously Choose Where Your Energy Flows

Energy & Consciousness. Consciously Choose Where Your Energy Flows

Wherever there is light, there is Consciousness.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion

Energy and Consciousness : Literally Being Knocked Out

When I was young girl at school I played several types of sport, one of them being softball. In one game someone was hit with a ball to the head (fairly close range) a hard enough wack to knock her off her feet that she fell to the ground.

Everyone ran to this girl as she lay motionless on the ground. Calls of ‘Are you alright?’ ‘Everyone step back give her some air’, and then one adult saying, ‘I think she’s unconscious’. I didn’t quite understand what unconscious meant.

I thought because she fell, she was just knocked out, (not realising, when you are unconscious your body is not responding to anything outside of your external perimeter), for a period of time you do not hear people’s voices, there’s no response, your brain closes up shop, (so to speak) to go into protective mode.

After a few minutes of trying to get some response from her, she groggily shakes her head, attempting to regain composure and to sit up (yea I know she had been hit with a ball).

It all happened so quickly. It was frightening, scary and seeing her lying virtually lifeless in front of us, then someone said, ‘thank goodness she’s conscious’, I knew straight away it meant they were awake. But being conscious is more than waking from a hit to the head!

Learn more in our Energy and Defining Consciousness holistic health magazine and our holistic health articles on Consciousness Meaning and How to Use Your Energy to Change Consciousness 

Energy and Consciousness : Consciously Choose Where Your Energy Flows

In any given moment, we have a choice how we want to channel our energy (our conscious mind) in certain directions. Become aware of how your energy can be literally ‘sucked’ right out of you when are engaging with someone that may be gossiping, being full of their drama or listening to rather cringe worthy conversations.

People sometimes feel they need this kind of conversation to feed on. If you choose to fake your energy, then you suffer. The choice is yours. When you stand in your power of authenticity and not just how others need you to behave, then you free yourself from the crap energy of expectations.

Defining Consciousness : When You Live Consciously

If you live from the consciousness of being human, your experience is determined by your perception. Your perception is a direct relation to your experience. Think about what you think about! You can actually stop and think about your thoughts.

Mmmm think about that! If you are thinking mental garbage, then all your thoughts will be that… garbage. Your thoughts are not created equally, they are whatever your perception of your thoughts are, at that moment.

Your emotional body is a feeling that emanates from a divine mind.

Your feelings that are joy, happiness, bliss, exhilaration is liquid gold that flows through your body! Taking responsibility for your own perception of life that is, determining (drawing to you) your experience.

It’s not people that determine your thoughts, your perception is what does! Feelings are not the same as emotions. Ever heard the saying “He/She’s got a mind of their own”? Well that’s not true, because we are of one mind of Divine. Divine inspiration operates through us.

Conscious Mind : The Conscious Truth Of The Matter & Being Responsible

Ok, so let’s choose to become a radiant emanation of joy, love, wellbeing, and when you are in your truth you have a great insight. If you take love from love, love is still there.

If you take abundance from abundance, abundance is still there. Sometimes good may be happening over there, but it doesn’t mean good is not here. Good anywhere means good for everyone. Your context determines your perception.

A small group of people vibrating at a high vibration and frequency, can carry this frequency higher than a mass group of people vibrating at a lower frequency.

Take responsibility for the vibration you are carrying, no-one can take this away from you.

Reinvigorated Energy

In Forensic Healing one of the modules we are introduced to is about Energy. Our personal energetic systems that contain a plethora of vital information. These consist of our Aura, Chakras, Aura Chakra Matrix, Meridians, Muscles, Routes, and Emotions.

It comprises of techniques that help release blocks within our meridians. There is a combination of several types of healing modalities that assist and work synergistically with the Forensic Healing structure.

The beauty of what I’ve experienced with Forensic Healing is that I do not need to know all about the other modalities (as in having learnt them fundamentally) as these techniques are part of the pathways that achieve similar results with the several combinations and not one specific technique.

The Expanding Movement Of Consciousness

You (we) are part of an ever growing consciously minded collective of people that know immense changes are happening as we speak.

Each moment, even breaking it down to the minute or a nanosecond (don’t you love that word?) as we are aware, in this moment of time, what has happened now, now, now, now (this could go on forever!) no longer exists but has been recorded in our (your) experience.

The ever-increasing intelligence of our minds to understand, perceive, receive, digest the complexity of ourselves, who we are, where we are going and all that is with it, is so amazing.

People are literally waking up due to the immense realisation that, when we consciously take the moment to truly see the potential we all must have to change our lives, as well as others, then you know we all have the means to ascend higher of ourselves.

Consciousness Defined – From Various Dictionaries:

  1. The state of being conscious; knowledge of one’s own existence, condition, sensations, mental operations, acts, etc.
  2. Immediate knowledge or perception of the presence of any object, state, or sensation.
  3. An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation.

Forensic Healing Is A Proven Therapy System Superior To All Healing Modalities, Because It:

  • Profiles the client, identifying negative life patterns, archetypes, emotions, belief systems, and much more.
  • Clears curses, negative energies, rituals, and many other spiritual issues.
  • Activates spontaneous healing forces in the body for immediate changes.
  • Removes the negative conditioning stored in the DNA or cell memory.
  • Uses healing secrets from ancient healing scripts combined with the most-advanced scientific methods.
  • Utilizes healing pathways that use physical, emotional, energetic or spiritual elements.
  • Heals deeply at a soul level by targeting soul facets, fragments, DNA etc.
  • Places a blessing on the client at the end of a healing.
  • Educates and empowers the client to understand themselves so they leave with new information to progress in their life.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Shona Russell

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