Power Of Emotions. Your Doorway To Connection

Power Of Emotions

You can never stand taller than the honesty of what you are feeling from moment to moment.  Your feelings reflect the real you from moment to moment throughout your life. There is no denying the power of emotions.

We live in a world of intellect and technology that no longer honors the power of your emotions. This of course includes your intuition or gut feeling.

Emotional Connection In a Relationship – The Power of Emotions

You, like most people today, have probably been conditioned to suppress your emotions. This has happened worldwide. When you suppress your emotions, especially negative emotions, you tend to become numb over time.

This can be a disaster in multiple areas of your life. It can lead to depression, anxiety, exhaustion, mood swings, reactivity, inflammation, heart disease, stroke or cancer.

As a case in point, consider the research of medical doctors who have conducted scientific research on unexpressed negative emotions within their specific disciplines:

  • Wilhelm Reich MD determined that people who suppress their negative emotions as children put up a set of defenses that create resistance as teens and as adults that block the outward expression of passion and healthy emotions.

Define Emotional Intimacy – No Emotional Connection

In other words, they lose perspective on their authentic feelings or innermost self. People tend to become a mask or pseudo-self that is based on their ego-mind’s self assessment rather being in touch with their true self or inner person.

In addition, most people use this false self to protect their heart’s deepest feelings of love or pain. The blockage of this energy flow to the heart causes many people to become lost. These people lose contact with who they are, their life’s purpose and direction.

In other words, to have true presence, passion, purpose and power one must know how they feel and have the capacity to love, heal and express their true emotions. Learn more in our holistic health magazine… How To Build Emotional Connection

  • John Sarno MD a pain specialist who spent years following the protocol of western medicine came to discover that most chronic pain is psychosomatic.

Many people avoid negative emotions by repressing their feelings into the subconscious mind. Over time their negativity builds up to a point of overflow. If you assume the body is holding this emotional pain on your behalf, it will eventually come to a breaking point.

If the person then still refuses to deal with their emotional pain, it then spills over into the body as some type of pain or illness. The pain becomes chronic to the degree that they deny their emotional pain.

Sarno indicated that those people who tend most to develop chronic pain or illness are prone to “goodism or perfectionism.” This means their personality avoids or denies their authentic feelings in order to perform or be perceived a certain way.

  • Candice Pert, renowned research scientist and discoverer of the opiate receptor demonstrated that the mind and body were not separate. “Negativity in your mind eventually becomes the body. The body is really your subconscious mind.

Neuropeptides are small protein like molecules that communicate between brain and body cell functions. They also mediate between emotions and cells. They are in fact the essential mind-body connectors as molecules of emotion.

Therefore, people do not have mental health problems or physical health problems – they have mind-body problems. Some people call it psychosomatic illness or issues.

Your molecules of emotion have a direct impact on your psychosomatic system that is running 24/7. This means your overall long-term health is dependent on the health of your emotions.

Emotions As Your Connection Point. The Power Of Emotions

Your emotions ride on your energy system. In other words, emotional energy is your connection to mental health, spiritual health, physical health and even to your very soul. I’m sure most of us

So how can you create a much better connection to yourself and others now that you know your emotional energy is the grand central station of connection in your entire universe?

Before you can express your emotions you must feel them. Feelings ride along the body’s energy system.

It is important to remember that all feelings are good. Even the darkest and most negative emotions along with the loving and happy emotions are stored in your body.

How To Feel Emotions – Getting In Touch With Emotions

In order to access all your emotions, consider that emotion actually means “energy in motion.” It is derived from the Latin word which means “to move.”

If you consider the importance of movement, sound and breath in all areas of life you will become more alive in the present moment.

For example, if you found just 10 minutes per day to walk on the earth; grass in the yard or park or even the sand by the ocean, then you will strengthen all your cells due to the electromagnetic energy that is absorbed through your bare feet.

The power of emotions…. Your emotional energy will be charged and you will be more in touch with your emotions.

If you want to take this to another level try sprinting 3 times as fast as you can for 30 seconds after a brief warm up. Take a rest for a minute or two in between. Do this at least 3 times per week.

Over time the sprinting will strengthen your heart and lungs which are the primary keys to your immune system’s health and longevity.

Sprinting also gets you feeling your emotions very deeply because you will be breathing very quickly after the sprint. You will feel great because your endorphins will be released and you will feel connected.

A third way to get in touch with emotions is to do daily stretching, dancing, yoga, martial arts or grounding exercises that get you moving and breathing deeply on a regular basis. A combination of these is even better.

So now you have three effective ways to get yourself moving and breathing and feeling alive with emotion.

How To Recover From Emotional Trauma

For some people who have been deeply hurt in life, a deeper healing process is required. Remember, healing is feeling. Healing is an emotional release process that requires grieving.

Before one gets into releasing deep grief they must express their negativity; resentment, vindictiveness, anger, rage or even blind fury.

If this essential process is skipped, you will be stuck in the shame of recycled sadness for the rest of your life

Your body wants to allow a somatic discharge of the trauma. There are a number of effective ways to access this type of deeply buried emotional pain.

One of the most effective ways is deep tissue body work. You must search and choose your practitioner wisely. He or she must skillfully open the chronic muscular tensions on either side of the entire spine.

Next opening the muscles of the head, jaws, neck, throat, shoulders, lats, hips, solar plexus, pelvis, upper and lower legs. When this happens in a safe, layered manner, you will feel indescribable freedom and love.

Your negative emotions will rise to the surface. You will feel them and let them go. This creates wonderful closure with the past.

Another way to release trauma is to lie face up on a mattress. Begin deep breathing and pull your shoulders back as far as possible. At the same time push your pelvis forward upon inhale and back to normal on exhale.

After a few minutes you begin kicking your arms and legs up and down on the mattress with your head turning side to side. Think of a two-year-old child having a tantrum while kicking and protesting.

Here is your chance to be free. Allow your negativity to surface and let it go. This is a powerful path to freedom.

Unless you have training or professional support to do this sort of releasing you may be in over your head. So have deep respect for yourself and others and do this is in a safe environment.

Accordingly, these two methods are life changing, safe and effective when facilitated properly.  Your emotional life will begin to sing as free as a bird. This will happen over time as your authentic self emerges.

Robert Kirby’s mission is to help people to let go of their past, unlock their inner brilliance and be the leader of their lives in every area, whether it be in love, work, business or family.

Over the last 26 years, Robert Kirby has transformed more than 14,000 individuals and business owners all over the US, the UK and Australia.

An expert in mind-body integration, Robert works with several different healing modalities such as Core Energetics, Bioenergetics, voice dialogue and constellations, to help people to smash through their self-limiting beliefs, live from the heart, and embrace their innate greatness. You may also be interested in Robert Kirby’s article on Character Analysis and Relationships

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Robert KirbyRobert Kirby – Mind/Body Transformation & Integration Expert

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