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Health & Technology

Health & Technology

Health & Technology emcompasses many areas. Healing technologies, health technologies, and also having awareness and finding ways of dealing with adverse effects from technology like EMF etc.

Health technology is defined by the World Health Organization as the “application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives.

The foundation of effective EMF protection is measurement, avoidance and protection. It means minimizing your exposure to EMFs while simultaneously supporting your body with the raw materials it needs to protect and repair itself.

EMR effects on the human body by frequency. While the most acute exposures to harmful levels of electromagnetic radiation are immediately realized as burns, the health effects due to chronic or occupational exposure may not manifest effects for months or years.

In the world we live in it is vital that we educate ourselves and protect ourselves from these harmful electromagnetic field.

We all have stress in our lives, some positive and some negative. I find that when I am working with clients many have a perception of stress as being mainly mental or emotionally based. It is very important to know that with every thought we have there is a corresponding...
Cleanse The Colon Using Salt
Everybody has heard the saying “You are what you eat” well unfortunately nowadays we eat a lot of rubbish. These poor eating habits are a hallmark of modern society, and the resulting build-up of toxins in the body is a well known effect that some say is a major contributor...
Electric Probes Helping Patients
I watched Today Tonight last night and saw the effects of this technology and personally i think it is AMAZING. I have taken this page from Today Tonight website.  I thought it was worth telling people about. A new high-tech treatment is restoring normality to the lives of people disabled...
All Blocked Up With A Cold?
Everybody at some time or another succumbs to the common cold. If we are generally healthy we can resume our lives after a week of feeling low without too much upheaval but for some, it can be a miserable and frustratingly long recovery. Fortunately, there are medicinal herbs which have...
Your only purpose in life is to be joyful! Wow, what a relief that is! How wonderful to know that all I have to worry about is being happy! Doesn't that just lift the weight of the world off your shoulders? So, many of us struggle with what our purpose...