5 Best Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss (#2 Is The Most Delicious!)

Best Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

You can’t deny the fact that a well-maintained diet and exercise are responsible for quick weight loss. But there are certain things that you can do to make the process easier.

Shedding extra pounds requires you to make all kinds of efforts to speed up the weight loss procedure. And that is why I’ve come with the 5 best ways to use coconut oil for weight loss.

Coconut oil is an ingredient that contributes to reducing and burning fat. It also helps with the detoxification of the body.

Incorporating coconut oil into food keeps your stomach full, so you don’t feel hungry very often. This means that you can use coconut oil to lose weight fast. Time to find out how!

We all know that coconut oil is great for the hair and skin. But not many know that it offers weight loss benefits too. Making coconut oil a part of your daily diet is not a difficult task. And I have five different ways to prove it to you.

#1 Drink A Glass Of Coconut Oil-Infused Green Tea Every Day

Best Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Photo credit: lapommedeportland.com

The drink recipe discussed below contains ingredients such as coconut oil, green tea, honey, and lemon juice. You already know what coconut oil can do, don’t you?

So I’m only going to state the weight loss benefits of the other three ingredients.

Green tea improves the metabolism rate of the body while also burning more calories. Honey helps in burning fat efficiently. It also promotes healthy digestion, which goes a long way in reducing static weight.

And lastly, lemon juice is responsible for detoxification. The antiviral and antibacterial properties of lemon keep the body fit and healthy. So that’s that!

Now let’s learn how to prepare the refreshing drink.


3 tbsp of melted coconut oil, virgin and organic

1 tbsp of pure honey

Half a lemon

1 green tea bag

A glass of hot water

The Method:

  1. Bring together coconut oil and honey in a small-sized bowl. Mix them well.
  2. Put the green tea bag in the glass of water. Leave it be for at least two minutes.
  3. Squeeze the half lemon into this before adding the coconut oil and honey mixture.
  4. Stir the ingredients thoroughly. You can have a drink like this on a daily basis for best results.

#2 Bake With Coconut Oil Instead Of Butter

Best Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Photo credit: twopeasandtheirpod.com

This one’s the most delicious out of the five best ways to use coconut oil for weight loss.

Baked goodies such as cakes, muffins, cookies, and even bread require the use of butter.

And butter is not such an ideal option when you’re trying to lose weight, right? So at such times, what you can do is replace butter with coconut oil.

The only thing that you need to keep in mind is that butter doesn’t tend to solidify when mixed with cold ingredients. But coconut oil does. So it’s best to store the ingredients at room temperature before adding them to the batter with coconut oil.

Here, I would also like to add one incredibly useful and popular application of coconut oil. Many people use coconut oil in a weed grinder to prepare all kinds of marijuana infusions and topicals.

So you know that you can easily switch to coconut oil from butter to bake whatever it is that you enjoy consuming.

#3 Prepare Coconut Oil Nut Butter

Best Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Photo credit: skinnyms.com

If you want to achieve quick coconut oil weight loss results, then using it to make nut butter is necessary. Coconut oil nut butter helps in speeding up the weight loss process.

We all love natural almond or peanut butter, don’t we? So one way of adding coconut oil to nut butter is by replacing the jar’s oil with coconut oil. But before you do that, please don’t forget to melt the oil.

Another way is by preparing fresh coconut oil nut butter. For this, all you need to do is grind almonds or cashew nuts with coconut oil. The goal is to achieve a smooth, butter-like texture.

You can mix other ingredients like maple syrup, cinnamon, or honey if you want to enhance the taste of the nut butter.

#4 Have A Coconut Oil Green Smoothie For Breakfast

Best Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Photo credit: allnutribulletrecipes.com

You don’t need five best ways to use coconut oil for weight loss when you have this recipe at your disposal. Including greens such as spinach, broccoli, kale leaves, avocado, celery stalks, cucumber, and pear is always a healthy option. But combining them with ginger, pineapple, and most importantly coconut oil is better for weight loss.

Below I’m going to discuss the benefits of some of the most useful ingredients for losing weight effectively.

Pineapple contains the bromelain enzyme, which is responsible for proper digestion. The niacin and thiamine components of pineapple contribute to losing excessive fat. Now let’s talk about kale, the low-calorie vegetable.

The dietary fiber present in kale helps in controlling hunger by keeping you full. Even pears don’t consist of high calories, so you can easily incorporate them into your daily diet.

Broccoli is another veggie packed with abundant fiber and fewer calories. Plus, the nutrients found in broccoli (such as chromium, calcium, and Vitamin C) do an excellent job at promoting weight loss.

Now it’s time to talk about the king of greens; spinach. This vegetable is considered to be the best to achieve all types of health and fitness goals.

Other ingredients like celery stalks, cucumber, and ginger also go a long way in curbing those cravings to keep a check on your appetite. They also increase the body’s metabolism rate. So the process of shedding those extra kilos becomes easier.


1 avocado

1 cucumber

1 ginger, 1-inch piece

6 celery stalks

1 cup of broccoli

6 kale leaves

A handful of spinach

1 pear

Half a pineapple

1 tbsp of coconut milk, melted

The Method:

All you need to do is blend these ingredients together in your blender. You can add coconut oil and avocado later because you might have to lower the setting to churn these two ingredients. Once the mixture becomes smooth, drink it up to shed those pounds.

#5 Add Coconut Oil To Everything You Eat & Drink

Best Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Photo credit: diyhealthremedy.com

The goal is to make coconut oil a part of your daily diet. This means you can add a teaspoon or two of coconut oil to your morning cereals, oatmeal, or yogurt. Even adding it to your tea or coffee is an excellent idea.

Another thing that you can do is use coconut oil for frying. Chicken fingers and French fries cooked in coconut oil offer tons of flavor and deliciousness. Even coconut shrimp doesn’t sound like such a bad idea now, does it?

The Final Note

So these are the 5 best ways to use coconut oil for weight loss. Just make sure that you keep your daily intake to a minimum. Don’t add more than two teaspoons of coconut oil at one time. A moderate amount is perfect for weight loss purposes.

Once you combine these practices with exercising daily, you’ll see the results in no time. That’s the beauty of making an effort to do something about your health and fitness.

So tell me, do you know any other five best ways to use coconut oil for weight loss? If they’re effective methods, then please do share them with us here.

I hope you liked the article and found the content useful. Please don’t forget to leave your feedback in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!

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About The Author:

Barbara Davis is one of those bloggers that like to do everything right. And that doesn’t mean it has to be perfect. The goal is to do everything in our power to make ourselves healthier and the world a better place to live in. And when you’re passionate about something like this, you spend all your life working towards achieving that goal. This is how she chooses to live her life while also encouraging others to do so.


  1. http://www.myhealthtips.in/2015/12/coconut-oil-for-weight-loss.html
  2. https://www.healthambition.com/coconut-oil-for-weight-loss/
  3. http://thecoconutmama.com/eat-more-coconut-oil/
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