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Tag: Shamanic

Throat Energy

Blowing Bubbles To Release Throat Energy

How many times during the course of a day do you spend trying to pretend that you appear to be happy and enjoying life?...
Healing The Planet

Healing The Planet Through Our Own Souls

How can we heal the planet we call Mother Earth?  This was a question that was asked of me by Kathryn of Heal the...
Shakti Fire

The Divine Eye Shares The Stories During Shakti Fire

A journey and a conversation with an elder sharing the wisdom in the winds is always difficult to share in words.  When hearing a...
Shaman Meditation

A Fire Shaman Meditation

A Fire Shaman is one who shares medicine and wisdom from the spiritual world to heal the energies order to restore love and union...
Feminine Empowerment

Feminine Empowerment, Sex Magik, And Energy Signatures

I have been asked over the past few days a number of questions and fielded even more comments.  Let me set the record straight...