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Tag: Healthy Food

how to improve your immune system

The Ketogenic Diet & Gut Health

The real issue is that good health starts with a healthy gut. Over 70% of your immune system is in your gut. More than likely, yours...
Vitamin K2

Do You Have Enough Vitamin K2 In Your Diet?

There is an important, often forgotten and misunderstood vitamin that protects our hearts and helps to form strong bones. It’s called vitamin K2 and is...

Anti-Inflammatory Fire Fighter. Turmeric & Honey Smoothie

When looking to heal your body, you can make great nutritious meals that feel like a treat. Nutrition does not have to be boring....
Can Food Fight Cancer Starving Cancer Through Nutrition

Can Food Fight Cancer? Starving Cancer Through Nutrition

Research confirms that food has the ability to heal or harm our bodies.  Many doctors however, were trained to believe that environmental factors like...
Cancer Has No Boundaries

Cancer Has No Boundaries

I It seems to be more common today than ever before that more family members and friends seem either to be diagnosed with Cancer, or...