The Flowering Of Human Consciousness

The Flowering Of Human Consciousness

The mysteries of the Universe, Ancient Civilisations, scripture, antiquity, myth, legend and the meaning of life sparks the imagination and ignites a quest for truth and knowledge.

The seekers of innovation and wisdom through the Ages, the guardians of secrets, the inventors, the protectors of the light and explorers of the mystical are somehow united by a sense of great purpose and intuitive guidance to help the world evolve in some way.

The notion that the secret keys to our future are veiled in the past is a gift like no other, perhaps why being in the moment is called the present.

Perhaps the present is the imperative dimension of super-human consciousness where all that was and all that will be, is all that is and all that is, is simply love.

Scientists will tell you that everything is energy. Our thoughts are one of the most potent forces of energy, maybe the most potent, influencing the inner and outer worlds in which we think we exist.

Thoughts, like all energy, can be positive or negative, creative and destructive and the choice is ours to make and make believe. The inner-world of the mind and body is one of chemistry, physiology, neurology, emotional synthesis and symbiosis.

These are the collective energies which define us, shaping our engagement of experience, knowledge and evolution in the journeys we call love and life, our love of life and our life of love.

The outer world is the reflection of the inner-self and is made manifest by the structure and sub-structure of thought which takes imagination and juxtaposes it into a reality of significance either good, bad or indifferent.

In emotional energy terms this is our positive, negative and neutral. What we think creates a chemistry of being inside the body which attracts its mirror twin vibration in our exterior reality. Quite simply, if you smile at someone they smile back.

If you shout at someone, they shout back, these are examples of inner energy attracting action and reaction in the outside world.

This is all based on the subconscious vibrational stimuli that brings thought into conscious being through language, our interpretation of the language we use and receive and how our words give transfiguration and animation to all that is the present moment.

Journeying for a moment into the past, to 1885, Margaret Watts-Hughes made an important discovery about the vibration of language.

Margaret gave up her passion for singing when she married and swapped her Welsh Soprano for philanthropy and scientific research.

Back in her day, women were not encouraged to seek their place in the world which makes her achievements ever more inspirational. Margaret was as creator, an innovator and maybe one of the guardians of the secrets of knowledge.

Margaret invented something she called the ‘eidophone’, a simple device which visibly animated sound.

The eidophone was a small drum-like hollow container no bigger than a small plant pot whose top was covered with a thin rubber-sheet membrane upon which was placed sand or lycopodium powder, sometimes a combination of both.

Into the body of the drum was inserted a small pipe-looking tube through which Margaret sang different notes of musical pitch.

In response to each pitch, the substance atop the drum vibrated and was formed into different shapes. After a period of initial research, liquid was added to the sand and this animated sound into real-time visible vibration.

Different tones and pitches formed different shapes and perhaps for the first time in modern history scientific association between vibration and language was actualised into visible reality.

Margaret drew pictures of the shapes formed by her voice and astonishingly they ranged from bacterial-looking images, to fossilised ammonites, to perfectly recognisable types of flowers, such as pansy and forget-me-not, and to tree-like structures with roots and landscape.

These astonishing pictures can be found on the internet today. In the twentieth century, scientific research has since found that particular words spoken into an eidophone form images directly related to the actual word itself.

For example, speaking the word snowflake creates a crystallised image of a perfectly symmetrical snow flake and the word butterfly creates the image of a beautiful butterfly on top of the drum.

In a newspaper article, Margaret Watts-Hughes was quoted as saying ‘I would add that my experiments have been made as a vocalist, using my own voice as the instrument of investigation, and I must leave it for others more acquainted with natural science to adjust the accordance of these appearances with facts and laws already known.

Yet, passing from one stage to another of these enquiries, question after question has presented itself to me, until I have continually felt myself standing before mystery, in great part hidden, although some glimpses seem revealed.

And I must say, that as day by day I have gone onto singing these peculiar forms, and, stepping out of doors, have seen their parallels in the flowers, ferns and trees around me; and, again, I have watched the little heaps in formation of the floral figures gather themselves up and then shoot out their petals, just a flower springs from the swollen bud, the hope has come to me that these humble experiments may afford some suggestion in regard to natures production of her own beautiful forms, and may therefore aid, in some slight degree, the revelation of yet another link in the great chain of the organised Universe.’

The way we think, what we think about and how we think about our knowledge of these things has always been important. Today our acknowledgement and understanding of the significance of the vibrational energy of language, to manifest thought into the material world, has never been more critical.

As Margaret’s philanthropy and her wonderful commentary show, the use of language is an incredibly potent and creative force. When we become aware of the language we use, and the positive and negative impact that this can actually have in the material world, of our cells and each other, we begin to change the way we think.

Changing the way we think changes the way we speak and changing the way we speak changes the neurophysiology of the mind to manifest immediate changes in the chemical physiology of the body.

As we become more attuned to the fragility of language, our subconscious and conscious states of being merged to reveal a more naturally compassionate, loving and empathetic nature to being human.

This, in turn, creates harmony between the energy of the mind and body bringing us consciously into a state of inner-peace, contentment and love. As we know, what happens inside the body reflects its mirror twin in the external world and therefore inner-peace drives external behavioural transformation.

If human kind stopped for a moment to pause, to catch its breath, to reflect and shine the energy of love naturally upon every thought process and in every word, just imagine how truly amazing life would be.

The first principle of life is love. Love is the seed we can choose to plant in the heart of everything we think about, everything we see, feel and do.

Love is the flower that blossoms in the garden of our own consciousness when we nurture, protect, keep safe and nourish our cells and each other.

Language is its own powerful healing modality, the strength of which lies at the core of our ability to be emotionally honest, kind and loving of with ourselves.

It is the language of the heart’s vibration that will one day heal the world. To know this is wonderful. To feel this is amazing. To seed this in our every thought is simply magical. All that was and all that will be is all that is and all that is, is simply love.

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Adrian Jones – Author, CEO and Director of Conscious Healing Innovation, ‘The Aquarium – Life Beyond the See’

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