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Tag: Depression

Mental Health And Suicide

Mental Health And Suicide: How Are They Related?

People’s mental health is one major cause in deciding the type of life they’re living. This means that a person could be at the...
Beat Addiction

Improve Yourself & Beat Addiction For Good

Until the past 20 years or so, people rarely talked about addiction. When someone could not control their drinking, it was just because they...
Art Therapy For Depression

The Healing Power Of Art Therapy For Depression

Art is a lie that conveys the artist’s own truth. Because of this, it has immense healing power for artists themselves and those that...
Financial Stress

How Can Financial Stress Affect Your Mental Health?

We know that anxiety and stress can affect our wellbeing and mood, but when prevalent and severe, it can also cause mental health issues in...
Chronic Illness

The Realities Of Living With A Chronic Illness

Waking up every day with an illness as your loyal companion is a really difficult experience, and that is exactly what people with chronic...