NEW Mirror Image? Believe It!

Believe It

I will believe it when I see it.” How many times have you heard someone say this statement or maybe you have even thought it for yourself about a person, situation or something in life? This concept comes from a totally disempowered place.

“Only when something outside of myself shows me something different will things become better”. How many times has a person or situation ever “changed” or proven you wrong? Likely, not too many.

As with many of the common expectations we put upon the world and our lives, for example the notion of needing physical proof of change in something outside of ourselves first, we get back to front.

The world is a mirror or our internal reality. You can’t change what you are seeing in the mirror by cleaning the mirror – e.g. we need to wash our face so then the reflection we see looks different.

We can only experience what we desire in our life (or, on a larger scale, the world) when we create the change within and believe it to be so first. First comes belief, then reality follows.

It starts within us and then materializes into the physical. Thought then thing. An architect imagines what they want to create, draws up blueprints, then builds it. Only then does it actually “become real”. This hierarchy is the same for everything.

Believe It …Then You Will See It!

We live in a world of creation, free will and choice (conscious or otherwise) which underpins what is created – always. The outcome of this is our life and experiences within it.

Understanding the vital role our beliefs serve in this creation, how they work, and how we can use them to experience a higher quality existence is absolutely the KEY.

If we aim to create from a point of conscious empowerment rather than unconscious victimhood, we truly can have the best life possible – NOW.

Are you experiencing your “best life”? Is everything in your life the way you truly desire it to be? To move from where you are to where you want to be may be as simple as changing what you believe.

Have you ever thought of what is going on in your life right now – whether it’s “good” or “bad,” as the reflection of a belief you hold? Have you ever wondered why you believe what you do, or thought about how your beliefs have an effect day to day?

Like an architect, ultimately, you are what will create. You can create anything in your life by understanding and utilizing different beliefs for what they are – tools to comprehend and directives to create.

A belief itself is benign, a chain of thoughts concluding a predictable outcome in service of the mind. “This is a hat” “this is hot” etc. A belief is an instrument used so the mind can understand what is what.

It is a type of data that validates itself via reflective self-perpetuation. Because I believe this, I will see and seek only that which proves myself right – I am this and so IT is. Have you heard the saying, “to a hammer, everything is a nail?”

By nature, a belief can only “see” itself and things around it, respond in relation to what it is. Everything around it must validate whatever the belief is by necessity for it to even exist.

Another way to explain this is to see a belief like a coloured lens, everything becomes the colour of the lens (belief) as this is the filter which we see through.

So, no matter what, if you believe it, you will see it. What “belief lens” are you looking through? And are you curious about what things might look like through a new set of beliefs?

“I will always be loved.” “I will never be loved.” “Life just isn’t fair.” “Everything happens in service of the greater good.” “Everyone is always here to support me.” “No one supports me.” “The world is coming to an end.”

“The world is changing for the better.” These are all just beliefs – try them on or take them off. You can see them in your life when you subscribe to them and can change your subscription at any time.


Like a programmed computer, we have sets of beliefs formatted into folders in our brain about every facet of life – relationships, finances, health, work, etc. These folders contain the information we have recorded through life exposure – be it inherited or constructed.

If these folder contents are updated, new data can be accessed (resulting in new, different, and likely better experiences). If not, we will simply be restricted to old data and only be capable of recreating what has been experienced in the past.

You may have heard people talk about how we repeat patterns until we “learn the lesson” – maybe the biggest lesson is to look inside for a new belief programme when we are stuck. Trust that you have the answers within you. You just find them.

All For One & One For All?

We are all living inside of the cumulated construct of our collective beliefs systems and individually within a map created by our point of focus inside of these.

If we ever want to see or experience a different reality, the only place to go is INSIDE each of our mindscapes. Shifting your point of focus gives you a new perspective, and with it, a new set of beliefs. As we change inside, the outer world changes too …. Everyone affects everyone else – #ripple #butterflyeffect

Power In Numbers

The more we resonate to or adopt certain qualities of beliefs, the more magnetism in the creation of what those beliefs dictate comes into the larger reality.

It’s like an equation; 1 individual’s reality + all other’s realities = “the real world”. The “real world” is predicated on the materialization of mass.

Although each of us is unique and exists within our own reality and will inevitably see things differently based on our individuality, because we are all connected and operate within the same fields of consciousness, we all affect everyone else.

The more energy/power/people who share a similar belief system set, the more the map of creation is swayed to “become” that.

All for one, one for all. Imagine a world where each of us is truly valued, loved, healthy and happy, where there is abundance is experienced in all its forms – true peace, because in a world where there is abundance for all, there is nothing to fight for, only more to give “have” and EVOLVE into.

This may seem a little airy fairy – I agree, but it is merely a possible application of conscious empowered use of beliefs in the co-creation of experience.

Seek belief-programs inside yourself geared toward connectedness in all forms. Create that reality for yourself, and watch how the world shifts to reflect this reality back to you.

Seeing every human as equal, each holding a piece of the puzzle of wholeness, a specific set of beliefs, holding a vibratory potency.

The more individuals who subscribe to higher quality beliefs, the more magnetism is created, allowing others to follow suit making the puzzle itself more beautiful.

We are all just energy. And the totality of the energy is affected by each of us and changes as we change ourselves.

When we believe in disconnection, we perceive all the belief systems, which fuel, validate and recreate that concept. So, the creation and recreation of that can also be tapped into and lived out – free will and choice.

We co-create and can always create change, no matter what the beliefs are stating. They are benign programmes which become obsolete when no one uses them. Like anything within the 3-Dimensional world, a lineal bookend can be applied to belief systems.

There are a specific number of facets to the human experience – security, safety, love, relationships, communication and within these aspects of life the way we experience each of these facets can be broken down into a simplified scale of the dualities, FEAR and DOUBT, and LOVE and TRUST.

These are the poles of the spectrum through which our perceptions are coloured. What end of the spectrum is driving the different areas of your life?


After decades of curiosity, seeking answers, and desiring self-awareness, the dissection of the human psyche has taken many forms, and a variety of formulas for changing human behaviour a multitude of practices have been created.

You may have heard of NLP, psycho-therapy, Kinesiology or even Hypnosis – these techniques focus on principles of empowerment and operate to access the source inside the mind of the individual and affect change in their outer reality. In effect, they change beliefs to change people’s realities.

So, what does this mean for you? What does your current reality look like?

If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be, and what would you need to believe to make it so? In answering this question, we have, to some degree, identified what you currently believe, and this is exactly why that area of your life is the way it is.

Change your belief and your reality will change by default, this is the natural order. Of course, it can sometimes be complex to “change” a belief that has been programmed in your “hard drive” (brain) as it has been done so for a reason.

Identifying why you adopted this belief in the first place will assist you in releasing it. Look at it like monkey bars, your mind needs something new to grab on to before letting go, but it can’t let go unless it is safe to do so on a primitive level.

Our beliefs act as the psychological corner stone of the evolution of the mind.

Just as our physical body has adapted to environmental changes to survive, our mental selves have simultaneously evolved, and the beliefs we hold are the bi-product of that.

You can always seek assistance from professionals who have dedicated their lives to learning how to navigate the constructs of the mind. That is what we do!

On a biological level, just as the immune system adapts to environmental changes within the body, each of us adapts to changes in our environment as well.

Each of us creates the external environment as we are the source of what is mirrored back to us. There is no need to fear what we see in the mirror, as by simply believing in a NEW reflection, we create one. Shall we?

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Kylie Bryan – Kinesiology Expert

If you would like to learn more and work with me one on one I would love to work with you.

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