What Is Kinesiology?

What Is Kinesiology

I thought I would just start with trying to give a simple explanation of what Kinesiology is and how it works.· Most people have heard of kinesiology but many don’t know what it involves.

It is based on the principles of Chinese medicine.  That blockages in our meridian (energy systems) lines are what cause us physical and emotional pain.

If all our meridians are balanced and flowing freely then we ourselves should be balanced and free of emotional and physical pain.

So we use muscle testing or bio-feedback monitoring to ask the body where the blockages are and what the best thing is to remedy it.

It is a fast and easy method that uses simple and highly effective tools to help us feel better and stay feeling better on all levels.

So What Exactly Is Muscle Testing?

It is assessing messages to and from the brain to the limbs.  When a person is under stress it will show as an imbalance in the body’s energy systems.

These energy systems feed and help regulate organs, tissues, and muscles; in fact all the systems that make us work.

It also deals with our thought processes, which are responsible for emotional issues, patterns of behavior, self sabotaging thoughts, learning difficulties and many other emotional problems.

Every thought we have affects every cell in our body.

If an anything is stressing a person – a thought, activity or food we have eaten then the brain responds by shutting off muscles for a split second.

Quickly the brain assesses the severity of the stressor. If it can cope we continue unaware the problem affected us in any way. If we struggle to cope then the muscles stay shut off.

So our aim is to get the clients balanced, physically, emotionally and chemically/ nutritionally.

The reason I love kinesiology so much is because we are asking the individual what that person needs to get back to or stay in top health.  As we all know no two people are the same so I believe no two people will need the same treatments to get back to health.

Two individuals may present with a very similar problem, eg: pain in the left shoulder.

After muscle testing we may find one may be due to a structural problem with overuse of a muscle and another could be due to buried emotional issues and not drinking enough water.

So Kinesiology enables us to get straight to the root of the problem and be able to assist the body back into its natural state of balance.

I have also started studying and using the LEAP branch of kinesiology (Learning enhancement acupressure protocol) this gives a deeper and more permanent way to balance a client.

It is especially useful in clearing old patterns of behavior and achieving clear thinking and an enhanced ability to learn.  Specific brain parts and functions are looked at by the LEAP practitioner and any blockages in those areas are cleared.

This continues through a variety of balances till all brain functions are working at optimal potential. Once this is achieved the client can process easier and is much more relaxed emotionally and as a learner.

I have found the amygdala responses fascinating and will talk more about this in my next article.

In the mean time please feel free to ask me questions and if anyone is interested in getting a deeper understanding of Kinesiology I would recommend the book.  “A Revolutionary way of thinking” by Dr Charles Krebs.

For an in depth look into how our thoughts affect our whole bodies I suggest the book “”Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel”, by Candace Pert.

The movie “What the Bleep do we know”  is an interesting and entertaining look at the mind body connection and quantum physics.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

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