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Tag: Emotional Wellbeing

Charging Your Batteries

Charging Your Batteries

When working with clients, I often tell them that they are a living battery. I’m sure you can feel the truth of this in...

What Do You Embody?

Your only purpose in life is to be joyful! Wow, what a relief that is! How wonderful to know that all I have to...
What Are You Grateful For

What Are You Grateful For?

The Holidays are upon us and with the hustle and bustle of this time of year; it is also a time of reflection. We...

Kissing Our Loved Ones Hi & Goodbye

Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score; Then to that twenty, add a hundred more; A thousand to that hundred; so kiss on, To...

When It’s Time To Let Go Of Grief

“ I can understand another’s soul only by transforming my own, as one person transforms his hand by placing it in another’s.” – Paul...