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Tag: Depression

Healing Depression Through Reiki

Healing Depression Through Reiki

On first meeting Helen* you could assume she was just having a bad day. You know the ones, where no matter what anyone else...

Depression & The Law Of Attraction

I remember looking at the part of my medical form that stated my diagnosis and reading “Depression”. It was October 2003 and I had just...
Depression, Expression & Suppression

Depression, Expression & Suppression

I believe that depression is a very misunderstood mental condition and challenges us to continue to look at the way we express ourselves, our...
Overcoming depression

Overcoming Depression

OVERCOMING DEPRESSION HOLISTIC LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 1 JUNE 2015 Editor in Chief Sharon White Editor at Large Cassandra Jones Layout Artist Francisco Mendoza III If you want to advertise...

Overcoming Depression

While most of us feel sad, moody or low from time to time, some people experience these feelings intensely, for long periods of time (weeks,...