Overcome Your Fears & Share Your Magic With The World

Overcome Your Fears

The meaning of life is to find your gift, and the purpose of life is to give it away – Picasso. My life’s gift is my passion and I believe everyone’s passion is their life’s gift. The more ways you can find to give away your gift, (to as many people as possible), the closer you are to your life’s purpose and able to overcome your fears.

If you use your passion to make someone’s life better or even transform it, it will give you pleasure and make you happy. The gratefulness that comes with it is one of the most rewarding things in life for me.

I know your passion is what you do. That’s why you are looking to become an ‘Influential Wellness Entrepreneur’ or what I call a Wellnesspreneur, you may consider yourself already influential and now you want to take it to the next level.

No matter how you see yourself, in order to achieve what you seek, you need to shed your fears of judgment and rejection so you can truly become who you are supposed to be and help as many people as possible.

Your business success will derive from the combination of being able to overcome your fears and implementing the right business strategies, systems and tools.

In other words, continuing to stay in your comfort zone will not enable you to get your transformational value and magic out into the world.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely fine to stay local and make an impact in your area. The following will still be of much value and support to your wellness business journey.

However, my passion is to empower you to lift your game to the next level, to help you not only create an abundant life, but also impact millions of people around the world on their health and wellbeing journeys.

I know if I help you make a global impact, I will help hundreds or even thousands of people transform their lives through your magic.

To do that we need to jump those hurdles and overcome your fears. I know that one of the biggest hurdles for you is to face your fear of failure, rejection and judgement. It’s the same for me and everyone else.

I have seen many practitioners create online programs and new ways to deliver their transformational value online on a greater scale, just to see them stop in their tracks at the finish line because they thought ‘it’s not perfect yet’ or ‘isn’t valuable enough’ and it just ends up being their best kept secret.

It’s not about creating something perfect for months at a time locked in a closed room. That approach in itself is flawed because the paradox of perfectionism is that you can only make something perfect if you finish creating it, receive feedback and then ‘perfect’.

Only once you have created something in the first place, will you have the chance to improve your creation and move toward making it ‘perfect’.

It will never be completely ‘perfect’, but the point is that if you don’t create something and get it out to others, you’ve failed before you have even begun.

If you don’t get it out there, you’ll fail and if you do get it out there, you will experience some kind of perceived failure because in your eyes it’s not perfect.

Either way failure will be part of the journey, a beautiful part that stimulates growth. Now, I know this doesn’t make it much easier, but this perspective certainly can help to overcome your fear, hesitation and procrastination.

Everything you see around you and everything you may compare yourself with, has been built, failed and improved upon continuously. Every creator had those fears and stories made up in their head about not being good enough.

But if that had been the only voice they’d listened to; it would have led to procrastination and most likely stopped the creation entirely.

It’s crazy really if you think about it, but that’s what our brain does. It imagines the worst scenario possible and then hits ‘repeat’.

The fear will never fully disappear, in my experience anyway. But we can learn to deal with it and act in spite of it. I work on this daily through meditation and checking in with myself throughout the day.

So, what can we do to overcome this hurdle?

The first thing that always helps, is to be truthful. Tell people that you’ve created your new program, modality, video, speech, whatever it is for the first time and that you are nervous, unsure or worried about how it will turn out, if that is the case.

Whatever your fear or concern is, have the courage to share it. This will do two things.

Firstly, it sets the right expectations; your audience will understand that what’s coming is not perfect and mistakes are likely, although most of the time they stay unnoticed anyway and ‘all the things that go wrong don’t really matter.

They will focus on what actually matters: Your content and the value you share.

Secondly, you will feel calmer and your nervousness will diminish because you’ve shared what you are feeling, so there is no hiding or pretending anymore.

It’s out, everybody knows you are not perfect and completely human. The crowd will love you for that and so will your body and mind.

You can do pilot programs for a discounted price, test versions for free, beta-phase for selected number of people etc. As long as you set the expectations right you have nothing to fear or lose for that matter.

You will find that in fact, people love being part of creating something too and will feel good about helping you get started and provide feedback.

Little ‘tricks’ like that will get you started and put you into action. Once you set a date, sold a program, applied for that speaking gig, etc. you are committed.

After you have experienced the loving feedback from others and that your worst fears never come true, your confidence will grow every time you do something new and get out of your comfort zone.

This is how you grow. This is how you build that thriving wellness business you dream of. Overcome your fears and do it anyway!

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Sebastian is the Co-Founder of Wellnesspreneur and leading authority in Wellness Influence Training. He helps wellness professionals to get more high paying clients and get into Fun & Flow with their business. 

Sebastian works with Wellness Entrepreneurs around the globe in his flagship program the ‘Wellness Growth Club’. www.wellnesspreneur.com.au

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