Acne: Not Just A Teenage Problem


Some dermatologists have noticed an increase in the incidence of adult acne. And newborn babies can also develop acne. While teens are still subject to this skin problem, they are definitely not the only demographic to experience it.

Acne forms as a result of clogged pores – just how and why those pores get clogged remains something of a mystery. Although people with dry skin can get it, too, it’s usually attributed to excess oil being produced by the sebaceous glands.

Hormones also play a role, with hormone imbalances and changes often accompanying break-outs.


Because of the hormonal changes that are occurring in teenagers’ bodies, acne is considered a normal part of teen development.

That doesn’t make it any easier to deal with, though, and despite the fact that it is considered normal, teenagers may find that many of their peers don’t have acne, making them feel “freakish.”

In fact, it is implicated in social problems, depression, and anxiety in teenagers.

Treatment for teen acne may involve topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide, retinoid creams (Retin-A), oral medications, or medicated cleansers.

Sometimes, a teenager’s doctor or health professional will suggest supplements that are intended to regulate hormones, or may suggest dietary modifications.


This is one group of acne sufferers that doesn’t suffer any negative social effects! Newborn babies do sometimes develop pimples shortly after birth, usually around 2-3 weeks of age.

While worrisome to parents, baby acne is considered a normal developmental phase and is not usually cause for concern.

Experts warn that putting lotions, oils, or over-the-counter topical treatments on babies is not a good idea, and can worsen the acne or cause other problems. Scrubbing baby’s skin, especially with harsh soap, may also exacerbate the problem.

Generally, washing baby’s face with a mild soap once a day and keeping his or her skin dry and clean are sufficient. Baby acne clears up on its own over time.


You were hoping to outgrow yours…but instead, here you are in your 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s and still experiencing break-outs. Adults can be just as embarrassed and emotionally affected by their acne as teens.

Dermatologists agree, though, that acne – including adult acne – is highly treatable. Doctors who are treating adults with acne may be more inclined to look to balancing the hormones as a treatment.

Retinoid creams or topical benzoyl peroxide may also be prescribed or purchased over-the-counter. Adults who see alternative or natural health professionals may make dietary and lifestyle changes as well.

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