7 Great Steps To Building A Better Heart Vibration

Embrace Self Love

Mr right needs your heart. Is it available? I have had the amazing opportunity to work with single women looking for Mr Right for more than 2 decades. Wow – has the landscape changed.

The fierce instincts that 21st century women possess to claim their life and their independence often also includes shrouding their hearts and covering their vulnerability.

They then often attract the wrong guy over and over again reinforcing a lower heart vibration. This begins with being disappointed by dad and/or perhaps their first real loving experience with a man or even the father of their children.

They feel deeply hurt or devastated.

Ladies are you currently sending out the wrong heart vibration?

I’ve met an avalanche of women this year who have lots to offer a man. They are asking me that very question. I say “are you willing to stop looking outside yourself?”

The answers about romance always lies within. “Do you love yourself – I mean really love yourself deep down without conditions?” If not – you better keep reading.

I have always been amazed when I watch a woman – who is not the most stunningly gorgeous woman in the room – having men eating out of her hand.

How do these women do it?

They Have 3 Compelling Qualities That Most Women Lose Over Time:

1) They love life and themselves to the depths of their core and feel connected to their truth.

2) They send out a fun loving & detached high vibration of love (not seduction or manipulation) & sensuality.

3) They are crystal clear about what type of friendship they want with a man and they are open about it.

Women like that seem to just find Mr right. They have very long term relationships or one that seems to last and last. What do they have that you do not? Many women who I have known personally and professionally are lacking these qualities for various reasons.

It honestly has taken me decades to unpack why they seem to always end up with the wrong guy or alone. It is not bad luck. You as a women do not need to add anything to you. You were born to embrace these 3 qualities and a life of love & fulfillment.

It is your true nature as a woman to generate beauty and love. All of your evolution; healing, change and transformation is about “letting go.”

Heartfelt Long Term Relationships Are Hard Work For Everyone

I believe however, if you do not not allow these 3 qualities to flow – you will end up unfulfilled and unappreciated by men. You attract your same vibration in a man. Its All About You

To evolve these 3 organic qualities you must reclaim your vulnerability. This is not so easy. You could get hurt. Modern women are strong and successful professionals out in the world. How can you also be vulnerable?

You must be vulnerable or the men will fear your self rejection being put on them. Think about it. Putting on the aloof hard nose because you have been hurt only attracts insecure & insensitive men. Like attracts like.

This has nothing to do with your appearance. Sexual tension is short lived. You surely want your partner to be completely open, passionate, trustworthy, tender and a close friend too.

If you want him eating out of the palm of your hand, then you’ve got work to do girl. You must do this work because you are worth it and because your future depends upon it.

The keys to vulnerability are embracing life completely through deep; self acceptance, self forgiveness and self love.

This requires you to let go of some old stuff. Great things in life do not come easy. This is the first organic quality that must emerge fully.

If you fully establish self love, then your coherent vibration will be fun loving, much higher & sensual. You will love yourself so much that men and women will be attracted to your charisma.

Then you will not have to be seductive or play any games with men to attract what you want. You can have healthy boundaries, self respect and dignity all the time. Your self esteem will go through the ceiling.

You will no longer have to give your power away to men. You can tell men you date precisely what you are looking for in a man and in a relationship. If they do not meet your standard, then its okay because you are not attached to the outcome.

You can simply let him go because your standards are so high. Men will then kick your door down to win your heart. So you can now see yourself under going this complete transformation to unconditional love for yourself and life.

You will become your own best friend. How do you achieve this profound state of freedom?

It begins with you fully embracing your vulnerability. This requires first that you establish deep; self acceptance, self forgiveness and self love. In time you will learn to not be attached to the outcome of any relationship.

You will love life and yourself without conditions. This for all women requires work and dealing with old and new conflicts and unresolved pain and feelings that keep you stuck in the past.

You deserve to completely embody all these beautiful qualities that every woman deserves and every man desires.

Would you value an opportunity to undergo a deep, safe and loving experience to create this in your life?

Vibration Is Everything. Where are you living from on the quality of life scale?

Building A Better Heart Vibration

If you are 5 or less, then you will be anxious and not vulnerable. There is big difference. If you are 3 or less you will be exhausted or depressed. You cannot love yourself with a vibration that low. All this means is that you have work to do.

When you become a 7 on the worst day of the month, then you will attract Mr right:

Here Are 7 Great Steps To Building A Better Heart Vibration

1) Get grounded everyday. Walk on grass in bare feet

2) Meditate everyday for 20 minutes

3) Exercise 3 times per week. Eat only healthy food

4) Create self; acceptance, forgiveness and love

5) Get a great therapist or energy healer

6) Spend time with winners only

7) Have great boundaries – you are a temple

Practice these daily and treat yourself like a Goddess. If you can work in a group dynamic to heal these issues it will speed up the arrival of Mr right. Go for it. You deserve all the love in the world.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Robert Kirby

If you want to let go of old patterns and conditioning and get the love flowing again, register here for the next FREE event: relationships.robertkirby.com

Robert Kirby

Robert Kirby – Mind/Body Transformation & Integration Expert

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