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Tag: Healing Modalities

Cold & Flu

Colds & Flu – You Know WHAT To Take But Do You Know HOW?

As a naturopath people tell me all the time about what vitamins, herbs or supplements they are taking. I find people nowadays are very...
Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy & How You Can Benefit From A Treatment

Polarity therapy heals by activating the Universal Life Force Energy, also known as Ki Force, and Qi/Pranic Energy, which balances the natural life force...
Enzyme Therapy

Enzyme Power With Enzyme Therapy

Enzyme therapy has been around for many years and often overlooked my medical doctors and some natural therapists as being paramount for obtaining optimum...
Athlete’s foot

What Are Fungal Disorders?

Tinea Pedis also known as Athlete's foot, (is a common foot infection) and Ringworm are caused by fungi called anthropophilic dermatophytes. It is found in...
Foam Rolling And Why YOU Need To Add This To Your Program

Foam Rolling & Why YOU Need To Add This To Your Program

Foam Rolling or Self-Myofascial Release (SMF) is a safe and effective way to improve the tone of a muscles and break down muscle adhesion's...