Healthy Food & Diet

Healthy Food & Diet Holistic Principles & Strategies

Studies show that eating healthy foods can help prevent future diseases such as diabetes and cancer. When you decide to eat a healthy diet, it provides you with the necessary nutrients that your body needs to create new cells, clean toxins, and function every day. With this knowledge and your zest for living a holistic lifestyle, (that is why you are here) learn about what foods are best for your body.

Not every food suits every person. Not every style of eating suits everybody. When you learn to tune into your body, it will tell you what it needs. When you know what YOUR BODY thrives on, you start living a healthier life. Learn more about holistic eating in our Learning Centre.

Click an expandable section below to access the eBooks, MP3 audio podcasts and videos offered by each of our authors, practitioners and experts who works in that particular context, modality or field (e.g. yoga, naturopathy, meditation, etc.) for this set of conditions.

Holistic Learning for XXX eBook Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Anxiety and a Healthy Diet Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Audio Coming Soon!
Video Coming Soon!

We'll Have Webinars on Diets for Conditions Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!
Audio Coming Soon!
Video Coming Soon!

We'll Have Webinars on Food & Diet Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Barley - An Ancient Super Food Rediscovered eBook Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Goji, a Nutrient Dense Superfood Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Acai - Wears The Crown Of The Superfoods Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Nutrition: The Super Foods That Keep You Healthy Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Pumpkin is a Superfood - Recipes Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Super Foods for Super Health Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

You Say Tomato - I Say Superfood Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Blueberry as Superfood According to Skin Care Expert Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Audio Coming Soon!
Video Coming Soon!

We'll Have Webinars on Superfoods Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!