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Tag: Healing Modalities

medical intuition

Medical Intuition. What Can Your Body Tell You?

Imagine if the body could talk to you – what would it say?  In addition, what if illness or aches and pain was really...
Stress & The Immune System

Stress & The Immune System

Having a healthy immune system means the difference between staying well, and being predisposed to picking-up any of the infections and illnesses that are...
Sharon White The Founder Of Global Healing Exchange.

Sharon White ~ Our Founder

I am a therapist, coach, writer & speaker who helps individuals live their dream life, clearing emotions & beliefs that are holding them back...
Relieve Stress

How Kinesiology Can Help Relieve Stress & Tension?

Kinesiology is a healing modality that looks at the body as a whole. That includes not only your physical body but also your mental,...

3 Ways To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Hormones are chemicals secreted by glands that relay signals from cell to cell, and they play a vital role in triggering how your body...