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Tag: Postural Specialist

Exercises That Will Improve Your Golf

Top 5 Exercises That Will Improve Your Golf Game (#4 Is The Best Of...

Photo credit: As a golfer, I know how important it is to work on the golf game. There’s nothing more valuable than achieving that...

Conditioning To Improve Performance

Participation in something athletic is a great way of keeping active; whether it’s a round of golf with business colleagues, going to the gym...
Core Stability

The Core Is Critical. Core Stability Why You Need It

Core Stability is a frequently used phrase in the health, fitness and the sporting industries. But when I look around at the quality of...

Conditioning To Improve Performance

Participation in something athletic is a great way of keeping active; whether it’s a round of golf with business colleagues, going to the gym...
Stretching & Massage

Stretching Scientifically Is A Key To Muscle Balance

There’s nothing worse than tightness and restriction in particular areas of our bodies. This is especially with so many people working long hours at...